Successful Launch of Mercedes AMG with Celebrity Collaboration


Mercedes AMG, a renowned luxury car brand, aimed to create an extraordinary and impactful launch event for their latest model. They sought to leverage the influence and star power of well-known actor Sara Khan to elevate brand value, generate buzz, and ensure a successful event. Additionally, they aimed to make the event even more special by having prominent members from the prestigious Landmark Group in attendance.


To achieve their goals, Mercedes AMG strategically collaborated with Sara Khan, a popular celebrity with a massive fan following. By associating with a recognizable face in the industry, the brand aimed to enhance its credibility, reach, and desirability. The presence of Landmark Group members added prestige and exclusivity to the event.


The launch event was meticulously planned and executed with meticulous attention to detail. The venue was carefully selected to create a luxurious and captivating ambiance that aligned with the brand's image. Sara Khan played a key role as the brand ambassador, creating excitement and anticipation through various pre-event promotions on social media and traditional media platforms.


The strategic collaboration between Mercedes AMG, Sara Khan, and the presence of Landmark Group members resulted in outstanding outcomes, setting new benchmarks for success.

Engagement and virality were impressive. Social media posts related to the event garnered high levels of engagement, with thousands of likes, shares, and comments. The event trended on various social media platforms, amplifying the brand's visibility and creating buzz among enthusiasts.

The collaboration with Sara Khan and the presence of Landmark Group members had a significant impact on brand perception. The association added credibility, prestige, and exclusivity to the launch event, enhancing the brand's image and desirability.

The launch event also generated tangible business outcomes. Mercedes AMG experienced a surge in inquiries and test drive requests, resulting in a substantial increase in showroom footfall. The event contributed to a significant boost in sales, surpassing initial projections.


By strategically collaborating with Sara Khan and securing the attendance of Landmark Group members, Mercedes AMG successfully elevated brand value, generated buzz, and achieved remarkable success in the launch of their latest model. This case study exemplifies the tremendous impact of celebrity collaborations and targeted guest appearances in creating a memorable and highly successful event that enhances brand perception, drives engagement, and boosts business outcomes.